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Ps3 gta 5 lugia 2.9 mod menu

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Adjust Model Heading 45 Degrees - (DPAD UP/DOWN).Rotate Camera - (RSTICK) (Zoom Camera Hold (RSTICK DOWN) and press (LT) zoom out (RT) Zoom In).Adjust Animation Time - (LSTICK LEFT/RIGHT) (Only when animation is paused).Adjust Animation Speed - (LSTICK LEFT/RIGHT) (Only when animation is not paused).Set Vehicle Invisible - (CIRCLE + DPAD RIGHT)Īnimation Player (Animation needs to be playing).Set Ped Invisible - (CIRCLE + DPAD LEFT).Clear Wanted Level - (CIRCLE + DPAD DOWN).Vehicle Invincible - (RSTICK + DPAD DOWN).Choose from all script_txd.rpf textures.

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NOTE: Nothings showing/playing at the moment just set the menu options ready for when i get a list together. This issues been bugging me since the start of object spawne NOTE: Theres quite alot models that dont want to spawn and i dont know whats causing it because the hashes are correct.

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